I've grown tired of this blog.
WARNING: This is a pointless site about pointless things. Turn back now.
Posted by
6:34 PM
I hate getting inspired at 3 in the morning. I blame Gregory and the Hawk. I really am trying to kick this nocturnal habit of mine. I vow to be much more responsible as a 22 year old. This past year has been full of drama and just plain havoc. It makes sense, really. I didn't drink too much before I turned 21. Most people experience that kind of year when they're fresh out of high school. Oh well. Time to grow up.
I am pretty pleased with my birthday plans thus far. I have a dinner thing in New Braunfels later this evening and then I'll drive back for a late poker game. On the 17th I'll be lying around on the greenbelt allllll daaaay [and hopefully catch a recorded Project Runway premier!] and then I'll get dinner and probably go downtown or to a hookah bar or something. And the party on Saturday should wrap it up pretty well.
Hmm, I really should get some sleep. I actually have obligations tomorrow. It's just so difficult to be productive during the summer.
Posted by
2:55 AM
I haven't exactly been too religious lately. I basically only discuss religion with my brother and that is simply because I can trust him not to scream down my throat when I bring up controversial issues. Most Christians have never opened their minds to other possibilities and therefore seem almost robotic as they quote scriptures and raise their hands in praise. Most atheists look at me as if I am completely uneducated and outright absurd for considering the possibility that life actually might have a purpose beyond living and dying. Yet oddly enough, I have not met a single person who claims to have a closed mind. So, I just keep my mouth shut. Search for answers without consultation of friends. Thoughts on religion and politics are best kept to myself.
A program featuring past life regression caught my eye a couple weeks ago. It began by introducing people with absurd and completely irrational fears. One woman was deathly afraid of dolls; another, corners. Then a psychotherapist began the regression process on them. The results were fascinating. Many of the people had vivid memories of past lives that actually explained the phobias. Months after the regression, some were completely cured.
Now, I grew up in the Methodist church. Though I have difficulty categorizing myself within a religion lately, I grew up a Christian, and Christians don't exactly believe in reincarnation. Although the results of the show were intriguing, I have a difficult time believing that we have lived before as completely different people. We DO, however, have a whole lot of "junk DNA" that scientists cannot explain. It's just there and something tells me it all serves a purpose. We inherit a lot of our DNA. Would it be so impossible to believe that we can inherit memories of our ancestors? (Though, waiting for any of this to be proven is total Chinese Democracy.)
That's about all the controversy that I think this blog can handle right now.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Oh my goodness oh my goodness. I am exhausted. I went to the lake this weekend for a big July 4th shabang. Canoe rides, fireworks, ladder golf, and oh, so, much, booze. The bad things? I am running on a caffeine pill due to the fact that I didn't sleep much. Oh, and I am burnt to a crisp. Gruhh and lucky me gets to deal with two very human deprived cats right now that intensely enjoy lap sleeping. Whatever it was totally worth it.
You know? I am having quite possibly the best year ever. Yes shit has happened. Lots and lots and lots of shit has happened. But all these kickass trips completely cover up those terrible memories. So here's my 2008 list:
1] Beach trip
2] Camping
3] Tube and tube and tube
4] Finally get my tattoo
5] Guitar lessons
6] Pro baseball game
8] Lake trip
9] Museum
10] Symphony
11] Actually get in shape
12] Leave Texas
13] Do that big brother/big sister thing
14] See a live play/musical
15] Music festival
Those are all I can think of at the moment. I can already cross quite a few of those off and I'm about to knock a couple more off the list a few weekends in July. So aside from car theft and lame work situations, I'd say it's shaping up pretty damn well. Today, however, has been quite painful and exhausting. Luckily there's an easy solution. It's gonna be SO NICE waking up tomorrow without any of those lovely drunken side effects.
[and oh yes, 11 days... the countdown has officially begun]
Posted by
11:39 PM