Saturday, May 5, 2007

[i ♥ alliteration]

What a whirlwind of a week. Quit my job on Monday. Had 4 job interviews on Tuesday. Started my new job bright and early on Wednesday morning. That's what I call a productive week. I actually love my new job, too. Turns out I really really like being busy at work. It's the boredom that kills me.

I somehow managed to lose my apartment key today. I definitely put it in its designated spot in my car when I left for work this morning, but it was nowhere to be found at 6:45 when I was pulling into my apartment complex. Of course, my phone decided to die about 30 minutes later. Eh, it led to an eventful night. I planned on getting home from work and sleeping for 17 hours straight, but ended up going out [didn't have much of a choice]. Luckily I got a phone call into Alex right before my phone's death. And I picked up a new key around midnight, so all is well. In other news, I saw an amazing show on Thursday night. Have I expressed my love for Austin? I love it. What a relaxing night. I am in serious need of a relaxing weekend.

Things have never been so great.

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