The cats always seem to know when I'm about to get up and be productive, because those are the moments they decide to crawl on my lap and look so blissful that I cannot possibly disturb them. Like now.
My summer is so far shaping up to be amazing. I've gotta say... it's really pleasant working from my apartment... and not paying bills... and making my own hours.... I spend a lot of time listening to music and catching up on my daytime television. I'm beginning to miss a few people, though. A lot of my friends are on a week long camping trip in Colorado at the moment. I initially planned on going, but dropped out when I realized I couldn't take a week off work. Eh, I need the money.
This summer really has been buckets o' fun. I spent the entire months of April and May at the greenbelt- though after running across some lovely poison ivy and taking steroids for 3 weeks, I've decided to stay away for awhile. I spent Memorial Day weekend drinking heavily at Camp Longhorn, swimming around a lazy river, and relaxing on a friend's boat (yes, one of my friends has a boat!). I went camping the first two weekends in June, and although I do not recommend waking up in a tent when it is 100 degrees outside, I could have stayed out there all summer. I'll be floating the river on Saturday and we're planning a beach trip for my birthday, so yeah... I've been having a lot of fun... despite these random (and frequent) horrible decisions.
It's hard to remember to forget.