Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A guy in a Lexus flipped me off on West Riverside this morning because I failed to slam on my breaks and allow him to cut me off as hastily as he would have preferred. Don't you just love humanity?

This is gonna be a pretty stellar day, though. Aside from the fact that a self-proclaimed "computer god" destroyed my computer. He came in on Friday simply to repair a few Outlook errors and start up problems. He managed to temporarily fix those issues, but somehow screwed up the important programs. So now my computer is worse off than it was. Of course. Fortunately, that means I get a new computer in a few days. :)

I get a free lunch today, too. The drug reps are intensely annoying, but at least I get free food out of them. Alright, I should probably get back to my super busy job.


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