Friday, April 18, 2008

The song I swore I'd never sing.

Life shmife. Thank god the roads were nice and dry this morning. People freak when they see water. I was in a [jazz-less] trance the entire drive to work. I am somehow not too sleepy right now, though. Apparently, 4 is the new 8.

This week has been quite taxing. Things have been so up and down. I'm just ready for everything to smooth out.

I'm pretty excited about the next couple days. I don't plan on doing a damn thing. I haven't had a relaxing weekend in ages. Thank god I opted out of the camping trip. I am in dire need of a break. A sleep til noon, bake cookies, and live in my pj's kind of break. And maybe I'll buy some shoes.

Was I dreaming last night? It all seems so surreal. The rain, the company, the impulses. I am entangled in emotions right now, but none of it matters. As long as I don't lose a good friend. That's all I care about.

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