Oh, my sweet rapture.
Well, then. I've managed to thoroughly confuse myself. Sigh. Maybe one of these days I'll learn to actually listen to that little voice in the back of my head. Maybe.
Exhaustion has overcome me. Last night was too good of a time. I had too much fun. I met some really cool people. Who knew so much fun could be had in San Antonio? It wore me out, though. I plan to do absolutely nothing at all for the rest of the evening- and that thought truly excites me. Something ELSE that excites me is all the upcoming shows.
April 6- The Format
April 10- Brand New
April 23- Limbeck
May 16- Saves the Day/Say Anything
I really hope to make it to see Limbeck. They've made me happy lately. The Format is a bit tainted for me now. It was pretty much the only cd in my car to last me the 25 minute drive to work when I worked at Barton Creek, so I listened to them to death. Unfortunately, that's not really a time period I like thinking about. I can at least handle them in small doses.
I should get to buying tickets soon.
So I just picked up Jack from Trace's. She is currently wandering around my apartment and seems so sad and confused. Hopefully she won't miss G too much. I feel so bad, honestly, but I know that she's just a cat. If us non-cat's can deal with things, then she will surely get over it.
Hm. Sometimes I wonder if I'm handling things correctly. It's too late, really. To change my mind. It had to be one way or the other and this is the way that I apparently chose. Things are really good right now, but I know that this stage will pass and I will no longer be content with the way things are.
Hm. Life.
Time to relax.
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