Sunday, April 29, 2007


It's more like batgirl=caraazy. I have about 17 thousand things to write. Too bad I can't write any of them. Too much is going on right now. I'll just post pictures and leave you with some vague thoughts. Thrilled?

Vague thought #1: This weekend was a blur. I want to remember 97% of it. That other 3% can be forgotten. Seeing old friends was amazing and I truly hope that Lauren and I will actually hang out this summer. We are going to have the best 21st birthday ever.

Vague thought #2: I am okay with something that I should not be okay with, but it's much too late now.

Vague thought #3: Watch this video !! Oh, and watch this one, too. :]

Vague thought #4: I got some interesting closure this weekend on an interesting situation.

Vague thought #5: My recording equipment will be the death of me.

Vague thought #6: People say a lot of things.

Vague thought #7: I saw Captain Planet do a keg stand and it pretty much made my year.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Car keys and harsh realizations.

Locking your keys in your car is no fun. Especially when your car is still running. Especially while your cell phone and apartment key are in there, too. It kinda sucks. It was really cool that the same song that was playing in my car when I locked it was the same song playing when I got it unlocked, though. It was almost as if the three hours in between had never happened. Almost.

I took down a few photos from my walls today. I decided to stash them away for a time when the past is not so present. I totally framed my Limbeck sign, though, because I'm cool like that. My apartment is finally becoming a comfortable place to be. It kinda feels like home. I haven't lived in a place that has felt like home since I was 16.

My family is the only thing I can rely on and I never thought I would say that.

I'm sorry if I haven't been returning your phone calls the past week.

My cat starts talking to me every time I start playing my guitar. It's cute. And annoying. Mostly cute, though. She thinks it's starting to feel like home, too.

Where has all the time gone?

Friday is here. Cross your fingers that I can talk Jordan into partying like a superhero for his 22nd. :]

I ♥ old video's.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

You don't have to follow.

Not so sure how I feel about my engineering job anymore. I mean, I’m just expected to handle a lot of really huge REALLY important things that they truly should not put me in charge of. They should get someone twice my age making three times my salary to do a few things that I do. Welp, unless they're willing to triple my salary, I guess that means the job hunt has begun once more. Not gonna lie… I hate it with a passion. I hate résumé’s and interviews and references. And I hate being new. But I suppose it’s worth it.

Ahhh I’m being reminiscent right now and I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m thinking about how much FUN this weekend is going to be with both Jordan and Lauren coming into town. I haven’t hung out with Lauren in a million years. Not since we recorded ‘Naked Juice’ iiin… what… November ‘05? November 12th. I looked it up in my xanga. It’s been much too long. Ya know, I wouldn’t remember half of the great memories that I’ve had if I didn’t write so many of them down. They’re scattered all over the place. But, really. There are so many things that I forget about until I randomly pull up an old blog and kill 30 minutes reading the kind of random stuff that you’re reading right now. Only it’s different for me because I remember exactly what I was feeling and all the unwritten emotions. I’m verging on 2 straight years of having a pretty consistent journal and that is just plain crazy. I mean, it’s a good and bad thing.

Last December I had one of the best nights of my entire life, just lying outside after a few drinks and watching the most amazing meteor shower with a few friends. That night is absolutely in my top 10 best memories ever (and trust me, there are some damn good ones on that list). It's great to look back on nights like that. But at the same time, reminiscing can bring back a lot of pain and heartache. No one wants written documentation of an entire time period that resulted in pain. It just sucks to look back on the past and be completely engulfed with that feeling again- as if it was yesterday.

Oh my godddd enough of this. It’s on the brink of depressing. I have way too many things to be happy about. Thursday night bowling. SUPERHERO PARTY Friday. Jordan’s birthday celebration Saturday. Good moments are to be had. Now it’s time for the Colbert Report. :]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fuckin JAM.

A few of us just got back from Limbeck and it was suuch a good show. It made me very happy. Jordan came to Austin for it, so it was good to see him. Man, though... it doesn't feel like a Monday at alll. So, Patrick Carrie and I are on speaking terms. It's pretty much awesome. Thanks to him, I now possess the most bad ass sign in the world.

Such great advice.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pictures galore.

So, while at work on Wednesday afternoon- as I sat in an office listening to 40 year old men laugh and tell 40 year old men jokes- I realized that I kind of feel like working with people my age. So I randomly applied at Express with Sidney and got hired pretty much the exact same day. I've already gone through orientation (for the second time, since I worked for them last November). It's been fast. I'm just gonna do both jobs part time. It will keep me quite busy. I'm pretty damn pleased, though.

In other news, what an exhaustingly fun weekend this has been. I pretty much haven't stopped until, like, right now. I won't have a chance to breathe until Tuesday, probably. Limbeck is tomorrow! And next weekend is gonna be way too fun. Alright, friends, it's picture time :] and then it's sleeep time.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

i should sleeep.

Why do you sometimes regret telling the truth so much more than you regret lying? Bleh. Tonight was so much fun... but maybe there's a reason why you give up all the friends that came along with a relationship. Maybe you just know too much. And maybe tequila brings out the truth.

It's weird to be so unbelievably happy, yet so unbelievably pissed off at the same time. Whatever. My contacts are falling out of my eyes. Sleep might be practical.

Life is SO GREAT.
(when you're not around.) Yeah, yeah. It's 7 am.

Let me be emo.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Mark your calendar's, friends.

April 19th, 2007 was officially an excellent day. I ♥ excellent days. :]

So, I just got back from Starbucks. The last time that I was at that particular Starbucks was over a week ago and the guy taking my order asked me my name and then proceeded to draw a "brook" on my cup. It was an interesting moment. A girl that was apparently working that day was there today and totally remembered me. Not that it matters even remotely, I just like being remembered.

See, people like me shouldn't have blogs, because you end up with stories like that.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Set fire to the drums on fire.

Oh my goddd. Are you kidding me? My upstairs neighbor apparently got a drum set. And he put it like, RIGHT above my room. Not only must he make that incessant racket all day, but he must do it with less rhythm than a [insert clever metaphor here]. Where is Stephen Colbert when I need him? There is seriously nothing worse- as far as living in an apartment is concerned- than having neighbor's that don't know how to play the drums, and yet choose to do so anyway. Hopefully he will give up his newfound hobby soon. Until then, I will just have to find loud things to do to drown out that deafening noise. Loud things can be fun. Speaking of which, I went to a screamo show last night. I saw the Blood Brothers on 6th with Alex. Best part? I liked it. {Gasp} Maybe it was the skyy, but I really, really liked it. The music was amazing. It's not necessarily music that I'll ever just listen to, but it was great live. Now I'm really amped about Limbeck next week (as well as the trillion other shows coming up). Oh, Austin. How I love thee. We even got our picture taken with Johnny Whitney. Too bad I somehow always manage to look mentally retarded in every picture that I actually care about, ha.

Alright, kids. The drummer boy has stopped and all is well :]

Monday, April 16, 2007

So, it's Monday morning.

Too bad I was completely worthless yesterday. I felt like death, but it was totally worth it. Weekends are fun. A kind person came over on Saturday to help me with my recording stuff so my recording software is now officially up and running!

*angels singing*

However, I still need to buy a few cords until I can actually start recording. And after I buy the cords I’m gonna have to actually figure out how everything works. Cross your fingers for me. So, I’m at work right now. I don’t really have anything to do at the moment. I mean, I’m sure I do have things to do, but my boss is currently in a meeting along with everyone else. Therefore, I am surfing MySpace. I swear I’m a good employee :]. The internet cracks me up. I truly don’t know what I would do without it, and that’s just sad. I can tell you so much about people I haven’t spoken to in years. It’s a good tool, though, because sometimes you don't realize that people you haven't spoken to in years happen to live in Austin.

Okay. Enough of this entry. I think I’m gonna make a coffee run.

[i'm such a picture whore]

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Frustration has reached its peak.

I have everything I could possibly need to record music in my apartment, and yet it sits untouched in the shape of a question mark. I keep getting an error when I try to extract the files and set up the recording software. I also think I'm missing a cord or two for the actual recording equipment. I still have about $46 on a Guitar Center gift card... I just have no clue what I need. If I need anything.

Help meee.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


This is what today is like:

Mannn I wish my thermostat worked.

Friday, April 6, 2007

I'm not ready for some burnt down bridge just yet.

A few things.

1) Today has been a MUCH better day- though my car is still not fixed.
2) How the hell is Carissa in the final 2 of Top Design?! They should at least attempt to make it a competition.
3) I am addicted to Starbucks. I blame my boss.
4) I need to find a cheaper addiction.
5) My kitten never ever ever stops purring :]
6) No one reads this. Not even anyone. Not even you.

7) I can't stop at 6... so have a number 7.

Alright. Let's go have a fantastic weekend, shall we?
We shall.

I'm just a troubled girl.

Having an awful day. Everything's broken.
My car. My plans.

This day is too hard.

I hate overwhelming nights. Sometimes they just happen. Nights when everything weighing on me collapses and I am forced to cope with the reality of my emphatic feelings. Ugh, to be so emotional. What a bother. That is what my answer should have been when asked what I considered to be my biggest flaw during a job interview earlier today. (A great, hopeful job interview that I would discuss if I wasn't being all sad and pessimistic at the moment.) All these fucking feelings. To hell with them. I should just write a ton of people out of my life, to be quite honest. I would probably live a much happier existence. Too bad that's not how I do things. Too bad my car is sucking at life. It's bad enough that it's a big, burgundy embarassment that is unpleasant to drive. I could deal with all those factors simply because it worked. It drove. Now it can't even do that right. Grah.

I just want so much out of life.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Traveling swallowing dramamine.

Ya know, I hate that I have to put titles on these entries. How can you sum up a blog about complete nothingness into one little line? Unless, of course, the title was, "Complete nothingness." But then I'd have the same title for every single one, and that would just get confusing. Whatev. I'll just stick to writing a lyric of a song I happen to be listening to.

My poor, poor kitten. She is so sad. Never in my life have I witnessed a cat be so sweet, though. All I have to do is make eye contact with her and she'll meow and purr and force me to devote all my attention to her. I got ZERO sleep last night because of it. Well, that's a slight exaggeration. But, still. She kept me up. Today she finally mustered up the courage to venture outside of my room and into the rest of my apartment, so that's at least a step in a happier direction. She charged and attacked her mirror image about 10 minutes ago. It was probably the funniest moment of my life.

Anyway. You always know it's going to be a good day when your boss greets you with your favorite Starbucks coffee once you get to work. I love good days. Too bad it's like, 10:30 and I'm about to fall out of my chair I'm so sleepy. Eh. I should really be cleaning.

I guess that's what tomorrow's for.
Sleep is what tonight is for.

Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm allowed to have fun, you know.

Doonn't make assumptions. It's unkind. Not that I can blame anyone. Leave it to all these wonderful websites to half way sort of kind of dictate my life for everyone to see. Eh. If I cared, I would do something about it, but I don't, so I should probably stop complaining. It's settled then.

PS- this picture makes me happy :]

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Oh, my sweet rapture.

Well, then. I've managed to thoroughly confuse myself. Sigh. Maybe one of these days I'll learn to actually listen to that little voice in the back of my head. Maybe.

Exhaustion has overcome me. Last night was too good of a time. I had too much fun. I met some really cool people. Who knew so much fun could be had in San Antonio? It wore me out, though. I plan to do absolutely nothing at all for the rest of the evening- and that thought truly excites me. Something ELSE that excites me is all the upcoming shows.

April 6- The Format
April 10- Brand New
April 23- Limbeck
May 16- Saves the Day/Say Anything

I really hope to make it to see Limbeck. They've made me happy lately. The Format is a bit tainted for me now. It was pretty much the only cd in my car to last me the 25 minute drive to work when I worked at Barton Creek, so I listened to them to death. Unfortunately, that's not really a time period I like thinking about. I can at least handle them in small doses.

I should get to buying tickets soon.

So I just picked up Jack from Trace's. She is currently wandering around my apartment and seems so sad and confused. Hopefully she won't miss G too much. I feel so bad, honestly, but I know that she's just a cat. If us non-cat's can deal with things, then she will surely get over it.

Hm. Sometimes I wonder if I'm handling things correctly. It's too late, really. To change my mind. It had to be one way or the other and this is the way that I apparently chose. Things are really good right now, but I know that this stage will pass and I will no longer be content with the way things are.

Hm. Life.
Time to relax.