Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Brief: concise and succinct.

I can't write about anything that I want to write about. So, I won't. Instead, I'll tell you that I love all three of my jobs. I hatehatehate my stupid bankkk. It was good seeing my brother last night. I'm excited about Friday and/or Saturday. I have a million things to do this week. It makes me happy. I get sad for 2 minutes once a day and I'm tired of it. They gave me my own super cool laptop at work :). I have too many people calling me for interviews and it rocks. I've been hangin out with old friends, lately. I can't believe I ever stopped. I need to get my recording equipment set up. I miss my kitten. My toenails are green. Tomorrow is my early/late day. I should sleep. And I realized tonight, that I am not yet ready to date.

Vague: lacking clarity or distinctness.

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